Calendar Event Hashtags

What you'll learn

If your Google Calendar or Outlook Calendar is connected to RescueTime, then you can add a hashtag to your calendar event's title or description. When creating the calendar event, ensure it's created in your calendar and not the RescueTime calendar. 

There are three actions the calendar hashtags can trigger:

  • Scheduling a Focus Session
  • Identifying when an event is a Meeting*
  • Identifying when an event is not a Meeting*
*PLEASE NOTE: RescueTime automatically recognizes calendar events as Meetings or not Meetings based on the number of invitees in the calendar event. Hashtags can be used to cancel RescueTime's automatic recognition.

#focustime, #focus, #focussession, #work session, #work

These hashtags schedule an automatic Focus Session. 

  • During this event, RescueTime reports all of your activities, and websites and apps scored or ranked as Personal Activities will be blocked
  • If this event is outside of your scheduled work hours, the following will occur: 
    • RescueTime reports all of your activities
    • The Assistant recognizes the change and stays in work mode for the duration of the event. The “available to work” header time stamp changes to reflect the end of the session.

Please note: RescueTime will follow the same blocking level chosen as your previous Focus Session. 

  • If you choose to "Block distracting sites and apps" on a previous Focus Session then when an automatic Focus Session is triggered by your calendar, only distracting sites and apps will be blocked. 
  • If you choose to "Block distracting + communication apps and sites" on a previous Focus Session then when an automatic Focus Session is triggered, both distracting sites and apps, including communication apps will be blocked. 
  • If you choose "No blocking" on a previous Focus Session, then when an automatic Focus Session is triggered, it will default to block distracting sites and apps only. 


This hashtag allows you to tag a single-invitee event (just you) to be recognized and reported as a meeting.

  • During this event, RescueTime does not report any activities, aside from reporting the meeting itself.
  • If #meeting is scheduled outside of your work schedule, activities during that event are not reported, but the block of meeting time is reported as a scheduled meeting.


This hashtag allows you to tag a multi-invitee event as not a meeting so RescueTime does NOT report it as a scheduled meeting.

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