RescueTime + Harvest Integration

What you'll learn

Conveniently import your projects from Harvest to RescueTime and let Timesheets AI automatically track and assign your time. Then it's just a simple click of a button to sync your time to Harvest.

How to Connect Harvest to RescueTime

1. Go to your Settings > Manage Apps > Under Explore Apps click on the Learn more link in the Harvest card

2. Click on the Connect Harvest button

3. Ensure you are signed into Harvest. You'll be asked to authorize access to the app, click the  Authorize application button

4. ðŸ¥³ Congratulations you are now connected to Harvest. ðŸŽ‰

How to set it up

Import all clients, projects, and tasks from Harvest to RescueTime. Go to your Harvest integration settings and click the Import & Link All button or only import specific ones by clicking the Select Clients and Projects link which will open a modal with all the projects and clients for you to choose from.

Once linked you should see the number of linked projects, tasks, and clients to RescueTime. 

  • To update your linked projects, tasks, and clients click the Update Links button. 
  • To remove all linked items click the Remove Links button. 

Harvest has two ways you can measure time. Based on these preferences RescueTime will send your timesheet to Harvest by duration or time block (start and end time).

This can be updated in Harvest by going to  Settings > PreferencesEdit preferences button > under Timer Mode

You'll need to re-sync Harvest if you make changes to this option. Go to your Manage Apps > click on the gear icon for Harvest > Re-sync Harvest

You can also use the Re-sync Harvest link to fetch your Harvest profile to pick up new companies you have added and re-sync changes to clients, projects, and tasks.

How it works

RescueTime -> Harvest

Your clients, projects, and tasks must match on both platforms for you to export your time to Harvest. Just click the Send to Harvest button at the top of your Timesheets AI page

The Send to Harvest button will only send your project time spent in projects with linked projects and tasks. This appears as Harvest icons next to projects on your Timesheets AI. This button is meant to be pressed just once a day as pressing this multiple times will cause duplicate entries in Harvest.

*Please note: Currently you cannot export your time from Harvest to RescueTime.

Harvest -> RescueTime

You can export clients, projects, and tasks to RescueTime. Go to your Harvest Settings page and click the Update Links button

*Please note: Currently, you cannot export clients, projects, and tasks from RescueTime to Harvest

Focusing with Harvest

You can start a Focus Session on a particular Harvest project or task right from your Overview page. Just click on the dropdown to choose your project or task > Start

Your Assistant will automatically start the Focus Session and your project or task will display.

This Focus Session will be displayed on your Timesheets timeline (example below).

How to Disconnect Harvest from RescueTime

To disconnect simply go to your Manage App > click on the gear icon > Delete app

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